Tips in Using a Red Lipstick

 Choosing the right red lipstick undertone does not have to be difficult. Mostly, there are no real rules but just a few suggestions depending on your hair and skin tone. The key is going for what you comfortable with and what makes you look and   feel beautiful.

When using a red lipstick for a light hair and fair skin, you should focus on orange or yellow based reds. This compliments the lighter tone of your skin and hair.  If you have darker hair and skin, opt for blue based reds and even those who fall into the pinky tones. For those with a combination of dark hair and pale skin, you could get away with some orange/yellow based red so long as they do not have prominent undertones. For many dark-haired people, blue undertones are the prettiest hues to use.

For light hair and darker skin, you could opt for yellow/orange undertone reds. For a naturally dark skin with light hair, consider experimenting with yellow/orange undertones of red. Nonetheless, keep in mind to go darker. If you have naturally very dark skin, try for blue-based shades of red and then see if you could find a good deep orange or yellow shade.