Lipstick Shades for Fair Skin

 Choosing the right lipstick shade is indeed a tough job because the wrong color could ruin your looks. Nevertheless, choosing lipstick shades for fair skin is easy, up to some extent. Fair skinned women should keep in mind that while any color suits their skin, only certain tones could enhance their looks and make the lips more attractive. There are some lipstick shades that could make fair-skinned women look weird or very dull.

When choosing red lipsticks, bold ones look great on fair skin, particularly those with blue undertones that provide a sizzling look to those with rosy or pinkish skin tone. Pink lipsticks complement a fair skin nicely.  Shiny, light pinks are wonderful, also shades such as iced, shell, neon, rose, magenta, clover, rose.

Brown colors look classy on a fair skin. It helps highlight the lips without looking gaudy. Moreover, this looks best on formal attire. Apricot, plum, dusty, chocolate or pastel looks beautiful. Beige color is great for a simple look.   Mocha browns or darker browns are good for a perfect night out.  Do not go for pale browns that have yellow undertones. This will make you appear dull. Moreover, do not choose reds that have orange undertones.  Keep away from maroon shades which will look extreme on the skin and hot pinks should be avoided.